
David P. Gilkey, DC, PhD, CPE, DACBOH

Dr. David Gilkey is associate professor of ergonomics in the Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences and the distance-education coordinator for ergonomics training at Colorado State University. Dr. Gilkey earned his DC degree from Southern California Health Sciences University and his PhD from CSU with a focus in occupational ergonomics related to low back injury prevention.

Previous Articles

Reducing Back Injuries: The NIOSH Lifting Equation – Past, Present and Future
March 26, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 07)

MDs Hired by State Compensation Insurance Fund to Limit Manipulation for LBP
September 11, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 19)

An Insurance Horror Story
August 12, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 17)

Occupational Health and Safety Programs for the Workplace
November 18, 1996 (Vol. 14, Issue 24)

Chiropractic Occupational Health and Safety: What Roles Can DCs Play?
October 21, 1996 (Vol. 14, Issue 22)

Occupational Health and Safety
September 23, 1996 (Vol. 14, Issue 20)

What's a Hazardous Waste Anyway?
August 25, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 18)

Subluxation or Neurotoxin?
May 5, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 10)

Risk Assessment in Occupational Safety, Health, and the Environment
March 10, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 06)

Toxicology: A Foundation of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
January 14, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 02)

Water Disinfection By-Products: Trihalomethanes and Carcinogenicity -- Should DCs Care?
September 7, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 19)

Chlorine in the World: Good or Bad?
February 9, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 04)